Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Okay so I'm finally in the mood to update this blog ... it's seriously been FOREVER! Chaya and I are watching an episode of spongebob...I'm so sick of this show... we hardly ever watch tv because she is just way to busy for that, but she's actually eating her breakfast right now so it gives her a reason to sit still :)

Little Liam is doing great!! He's kicking me all the time, he's getting VERY strong too.. He's actually getting to the point where some of the kicks kind of hurt a little. Last night he was kicking me in the hip bone, it felt so wierd... like I could feel it but I couldn't... I don't know... it was just odd ..

We went shopping for the little man yesterday! We got him two outfits, one of those car seat covers with the wool inside to keep him warm, some swaddle blankets (best invention ever!!) some recieving blankets, bottle brushes, and I got some new maternity clothes.. I'm getting more though!! nothing fits me that well anymore, this little man is growing. The biggest difference that I've noticed in my belly this time, is with Chaya the belly was just big all over, but with Liam it's a more compact baby bump..I think I've grown quite fond of it actually...

Chaya is going to be a great big sister, she talks about Liam all the time. I know when he comes that she is going to be such a good helper too.. she's so motherly to other children and to her baby dolls..I think she'll do great with baby brother comes to play :) yesterday we went to toys r us, where we found lots of the baby stuff we got the little boy, anyway, we got Chaya one of those little shopping carts with the fake food in it...she loves it!! I'm so glad we found one for her, she's really into the whole do what mommy does thing, and she loves to imitate me...thats why I think she loves her grocery cart so much.. in fact she's playing with it right now :) We also found some little training underwear for her at target, which we'll be trying out soon. I want to have her potty trained before her brother gets here... diapers are expensive and I really don't want to have two in diapers!! NO THANKS!! She's already showing interest and she sits on her potty all by herself so I'm hoping that she takes to it well which I'm almost 100% sure that she will.. she's gone in it before so she knows what its for... the reason I'm waiting is because I want to be done with my summer class so I'll have more time to dedicate to it. I get three weeks off before I start my next class so I'll have losts of downtime. Oh, and get this, with my classes, my last one that I'm taking for this year ends on November 1st, and Liam is due November hopefully he doesn't come early or I'll be doing my final in between contractions haha...riiiight... I'm hoping I sleep through this labor like I did with Chaya...that would be nice... my body just can't handle medicine I guess..I take one pill and I sleep all day... give me a little epidural and I'm out like a light :) not all bad though! Well I'm going to go...


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm going to update this someday!! I'm having a little boy, due in November..I'm excited and blessed beyond belief!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I got my first photography job!! I'm doing a wedding in Oct, and family pics in April for a girl I went to highschool with!!

so exciting..

other than that..I'm tired and going to bed! goodnight!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

That's my "photo" of the day.. my beautiful little girl =) We took this the other day when we had a warm day and we could finally get outside. We're hoping we can tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 60's!! I love taking Chaya to the park, if we go tomorrow I'm sure we'll have lots of pictures. Today has been a crappy/really good day. I am taking history and polity of the nazarene church. I attend a nazarene university so I have to take it in order to's just one of those classes. Anyway, the reading can get really boring and I started reading on Saturday because I had 108 pages and I have to highlight and really focus in order to retain any of it.. well lastnight about 11:30pm I had finally finished and realized it was wierd that he had us finish mid-chapter... then it hit me.. I had read the wrong book!!! We have volume one and volume two..with identical covers..and stupid me didn't realize. So now my homeowork is going to be late and I read 108 pages for nothing and now I have to read that many more... ugh!! I think I'll do fine though..It's just hard to read something that is boring =(

We're going on a little mini-vacation on the 20th..we're going to Nashville! I'm excited because I've never been there..I think I'll brush up on my country music before I go there..speaking of which I absolutly LOVE Taylor Swift...(Chaya does too!) I think Love Story is Chaya's favorite song! It's adorable. My daughter absolutly loves music, she gets it from her daddy. She sings and dances..It's just so stinkin cute I tell you!!

I started ZUMBA this morning!! It was just the basic instructional stuff so it was pretty boring, I think thats what tomorrow is too..but after that I'm all in! I had fun with it. I made a workout schedule for this month..hoping that keeps me accountable. I've been trying to get up I got up at 9:30am..haha really I accidently set my alarm for 6:30 pm so it didn't go off obviously..but I've fixed that and I'm hoping that tomorrow I can drag myself out of bed...

Well I need to get some things done before I go to bed so it means I should probably get off the internet =O goodnight all!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Where did february go?! random way of opening up this blog. This month has really just flown by. I'm doing good, Nick & Chaya are doing good too. I'm finally getting back to normal after having the miscarriage, the body does crazy things when you go through that... I honestly thought I was going to gain 300 lbs because I was hungry all the time. Finally thats all gone! yay.

I got a new camera, it's a Nikon D60 and I love it. I've always wanted a dslr and could never afford it, and now I have one! I'm super excited about that! I'm also signed up to take a photoshop class in a few weeks. I can't wait, I want to be a better photographer/photo-editor. I'm actually thinking about starting a photography business, I love doing it so much I might as well get paid right?!

What else is new in the melissa world... hmmm .... I tried on some shorts tonight, size 18, and they fit with a little extra room, I haven't been able to wear that size since highschool!! I'm excited! I've gained a few pounds this month but I blame the horomones and the stress. I'm all about losing weight in march, I even invested in an mp3 player to take with me on my runs this year! I'm so excited for warm weather and running again. I've dearly missed it. I'm actually thinking about training for a half-marathon.. I'm pretty sure I'm going to do it.. I have this program that is supposed to take you 8 weeks.. I'm pretty sure I may need like....a whole year before I can run that far, but I'm really wanting to try for it! I'm also going to be starting ZUMBA soon!! I cannot wait for my DVD's to arrive in the mail!! I would go to a class but the nearest one is in terre haute and I'm not driving there everyday...ugh... but I can do it in my home which is the plan. I'm still doing weight watchers..although I've slacked off majorly this month... I just couldn't do it..emotions and hormones... just wasn't in the mood or had the motivation.

I'm going to start taking more and more pictures, back on that subject.. I'm just really into the whole photography thing and now I have a really good camera. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 50's so I think Chaya and I will venture to the park and do a little photoshoot.. she is my favorite person to take pictures of..she's just so BEAUTIFUL and always full of life! I consider it a privilage to be her mommy =)

I'm still in school... I'm taking history and polity of the nazarene fun fun~!

yay school.

this was one of the first pictures I took with my new camera... isn't she the most beautiful thing you've ever seen! I love my Chaya..and I think this is one of my favorite pictures of her!! I'll probably be starting a photo blog soon so stay tuned!

peace out!!

-ps~ Who is reading this?! Comment me !!

Thursday, January 8, 2009 year is here!! I've worked out 8 times in the past 10 days, finally at the point where I'm taking my workouts seriously! I'm actually starting to see a difference too. I'm down to a weight of 207!! Almost under 200 which has been a huge goal of mine forever.. I was 260 the day I had my daughter, (they had a scale in the bathroom) I am just ecstatic at the weight I've lost this past year and even more excited about losing more this year. Tonight at walmart I was trying on clothes in the dressing room and I ended up getting a shirt size large, and pants size 16/18 ( I was a 24!) and everything I tried on fit me and looked great! I'm really excited! It's just been so long since I've actually felt good about my body. And of course I write this on a day I decided to not work out..(my body is sooo tired!) and I've kinda been a bit relaxed on calories today, I just think every now and again it's good to have a break..only for a day, but it's good to just eat stuff I crave in order not to binge later.. I'm really feeling great physically and emotionally etc...I just feel good and I think I look good to! I'm happy today :) I can't wait for dinner though, I'm really hungry!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I have been very encouraged lately. Christmas was AWESOME! I missed my family like crazy, but my mom & dad did end up coming over yesterday...which they didn't think they would be able to do, so that was nice. We exchanged gifts, ate a really good lunch and spent time together. They gave Chaya this turtle that illuminates stars all over her room at night, it is the coolest thing ever, it's like she has her own little view of the galaxy! Nick had to work on Christmas day so we celebrated on Saturday, it was nice just having our little family together this Christmas without having to worry about whose family we needed to spend time with and having a really ruins the fun let me tell ya!

Chaya loved Christmas, she didn't really do to well opening her gifts, but this year she was more excited about the gift than the paper and boxes, I think her favorite gift was baby stella, she's a doll and Chaya absolutly adores her! Another gift that she loves is her animal dvd and polar bear that her daddy got her... I was practical and ended up getting her new toy baskets for her room, I wanted to get her a toy box but I couldn't find one that I liked...We spent Christmas day baking tons of cookies and Nick helped us decorate them, it was so much fun!! On Christmas eve we went out for pizza which I think will be our new tradition and the went to family comunion at church which I really loved. All in all we've just had such a wonderful week together..all 3 of us, it's just really been a huge blessing.

I can't believe that new years is right around the seems like yesterday we were celebrating the beginning of 2008, I was making my new years resolutions and making a list of goals.... and for once in my life I can actually say I stuck with my resolution, my goal for 2008 was to lose weight, I've lost 37 pounds since this time last year!! I wish it were more, but it's been slow and pretty steady. Which in the long run I think will help me to keep it off. I've lost about 13 pounds over the last couple of weeks since joining weight watchers, I really enjoy doing it because I see results. I've been really slacking off this week and using the holidays as my excuse but let me tell you, my body is hating me for it, tomorrow it's back to fruits, veggies, grains, and protein... not cookies and pasta and pizza etc.. I've just realized that I have come this far and I need to keep going until I get to my goal..which my first goal I'm only about 10lbs away from! Weight watchers starts you off with losing 10% of your body weight and I am sooooo close! I can't wait to be healthier and lose the rest of this weight! I feel so much better already! I've been thinking about my new years resolutions for this year and this is what I've got so far...
* Lose weight*
*stop drinking soda*
*work out everyday*
*listen to God more*
*read scripture more...*
*be the best Christian I can be...*
*make friends*
*read more*
*be a better friend*
*love the unloveable*

thats what I have this far but I'm sure I'll add to that list.....

I'm excited for 2009, I'm excited to reach my personal goals and to see what God has in store for us! I think new and exciting things are coming so be watching for updates!! haha..

well thats about it for now...
